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The Lush Life (Samantha Jamison Mystery Book 8) Page 6

  “...I guess,” I said, letting him enter.

  Although I initially misjudged Tony to be slow on the uptake, I revised my opinion once he demonstrated he was savvier than I expected. So, why show up, announcing his presence, if he was involved in stealing a rare book? Could it be Tony knew nothing about the book in question? I tried not to laugh at that impossibility. He smelled money.

  Tony not be on the hunt? This tom-cat always strayed.

  He shut the door and checked me out from head to toe. His x-ray eyes were making me uneasy. Tony had a way of staring at you, like he was trying to read your thoughts. I hoped he couldn’t read mine.

  They were not PG rated. He caused me a lot of stress last time he confronted me. Granted, he had valid reasons, but I just didn’t trust the guy. Forget his mother. She was just as unpredictable and treacherous as he was.

  My definition of treacherous: double-dealing and highly dangerous. Yup, they both qualified.

  But you know, I considered him a challenge, bearing in mind Tony was so good looking. Besides, where was Clay in all this? I had called, texted and emailed until my fingers felt raw. If Clay chose to miss out on this caper, I guess I would have to handle Tony all by myself. I could do that...

  After all, any crime spillover should go to me, right?

  Chapter 24

  The Whatever & More

  Tony’s lean, over six-foot frame loomed closer and I inched away. I had passed the substantial glass armoire containing vases and statues. My back hit the bottom of the curved railing of the main staircase. “Huh...?”

  I should have bumped into the ladies by now.

  I glanced around. Not a soul. How could they abandon me? It was just us two until I thought I heard a giggle from up above. Tony’s hands gripped the rail on each side of me. I was trapped. But my crew was above us enjoying all this.

  Leaning in real close, his lips now hovering dangerously close to mine, he whispered. “I hope I’m not intruding.”

  He was within a hair’s breath of me. If I answered, we’d be kissing. That was the furthest thing from my mind.


  So I did the alternative and mumbled. “Umm, mmm.”

  Then the front door burst wide open.

  “Whose SUV is out.... What the hell?”


  Tony turned. “Now, Clay, I didn’t touch one hair.”

  Clay’s hands balled into fists. “Lucky for you...”

  Tony straightened his tie. “Perfect. You’re both here.”

  Clay didn’t expect that greeting. “What do you mean?”

  Now I was confused too. “And how is this perfect?”

  “I don’t have to bother repeating myself, send an email to be misread, or make any unnecessary phone calls.”

  Clay eyed him cynically. “Okay, so far I’m following.”

  “Me too,” I added, wondering what else was coming.

  Tony then did something unexpected. He sighed loudly then he sat down on the lower step of the curved staircase.

  “You both remember my mother?” he asked, sulking.

  Clay and I both eyed each other. Oh, yeah.

  “How could we forget?” I said.

  Tony rubbed his eyes. “This is complicated.”

  Clay rested his foot on the lower step directly separating Tony from me. A not-so-subtle message to our visitor.

  I swear, males and their territory.

  “I’m listening,” said Clay, sharply. I didn’t blame him. Tony caused so much chaos and threatened me numerous times in the past, which Tony eventually clarified. Still, Clay and I harbored a lot of distrust for this guy, including his crazy mother. They were an unpredictable duo for sure.

  “After losing that money, she had a nervous breakdown. I’m sure you both noticed how edgy she was.”

  “Oh, we noticed, all right,” I said, remembering vividly.

  “And?” Clay asked, a man of few words at the moment.

  “We arranged for a rest for her, somewhere quiet.”

  “As in where?” I asked, now curious.

  Tony sighed once more. “A sanatorium.”

  “She did seem a little touchy at the end,” said Clay.

  “That still doesn’t explain why you’re here now,” I said.

  “I have a slight problem,” said Tony. “...She escaped.”

  Chapter 25

  Keeping Track Of More Than Money

  Clay and I turned to eye each other again. Where to?

  “So what do you expect us to do about it?” Clay asked.

  “I want to hire the two of you to find her for me.”

  “You’re joking, right?” I asked incredulously.

  “I’ll pay you both double your going rate, plus bonus.”

  Clay and I both glanced at each other once again.

  Us work for Tony? Why us? Why now? Suspicious...

  We were already being paid by Alicia and Chris Worth for babysitting their volatile homestead. Now Tony wanted to do the same to hunt down his volatile mother. Clay and I had joked about us living ‘the lush life’ and this extra cash, dicey by who was offering it, was too good to be true.

  Why not get paid by Tony for keeping an eye on Tony?

  I gave Tony a leery eye. “But you lost all your money.”

  He looked up, shrugged. “It was my mother’s money.”

  “And...?” Clay asked skeptically.

  “I’ve had some good days at the track lately. I’m flush.”

  I still wasn’t swayed. “What sanatorium? The name?”

  Tony fished inside his breast pocket, came up empty then stood to reach into his rear pocket. A gun flashed off his back hip. It was attached to his belt.

  “Hey, you said you weren’t carrying!” I challenged.

  Tony looked at me and winked. “I lied.”

  I noticed Clay had his hand inside his own jacket.

  His mantra was mine. Trust no one...

  Tony finally pulled out his wallet and retrieved a slip of paper from it. “Name, number, and address. Go check.”

  I seized it first. Clay leaned over me to read it too.

  “That town is in Upper Bucks County,” said Clay.

  I turned to stare back at him. “How’d you know that?

  Then Clay winked too. “I know more than you think.”

  You see what I have to constantly deal with? Ah, trust...

  “It’s about a forty-minute drive from here,” said Tony.

  I wasn’t sure if Tony was trying to send us on a wild goose chase or not. But the ramifications of his momma on the loose in the middle of everything going on didn’t set well with me. For my protection we had to search for her.

  Was she the nut who took that shot and texted me?

  She was such a sweet lady in the beginning...

  “Why don’t you look for her yourself?” I asked.

  “I’ve been in New Hope awhile, doing just that.”

  I smirked, remembering what Hazel told me. “I know.”

  Both Tony and Clay looked at me and said, “How?”

  I didn’t want to reveal what she’d said in front of Tony.

  I grinned at them both. “I know more than you think.” I made eye contact with Clay. “Let’s do it, okay?”

  Why we had enough sleuths here to open an agency!

  “Are you sure?” Clay asked, surprised by my stance.

  “Hey, the crew’s here, plus Mona, Scarlett, Teddy...”

  “Who’s Scarlett and Teddy? And who invited Mona?”

  ...Uh-oh. Obviously, I had some explaining to do.

  Chapter 26

  Interrogation Techniques

  Dictionary definition of interrogate: to question, cross-examine closely, debrief, pump, grill either formally or informally. This took place in Alicia’s office with the door closed so no one could hear our loud voices arguing.

  “What do you mean you don’t know who Scarlett is?” I asked. “You’re telling me you didn’t invite her he

  This was not what I was hoping to hear.

  “As far as Teddy and Mona being here, we need to discuss that too. Why are you so upset? I had nothing to do with any of this. It’s me that should be upset! After getting shot at and everything, I...”

  “Whoa! Back up. ...Shot at?” Clay asked wide-eyed.

  “Haven’t you gotten all my emails and texts?” I asked.

  Clay began pacing. “No, not one! What is going on?”

  So I told him in great detail. It took one solid hour.

  When I finished Clay stopped pacing. “Unbelievable! I’m gone for just a few days and all this happened!”

  “It’s obvious that someone has compromised our email, phones, computers and who knows what else,” I said. “And for what purpose? A stupid collectable book!”

  “Must be a hell of a read,” Clay said, hugging me tight.

  I pouted. “You’re lucky I always listen for and check my texts and emails diligently. Otherwise I’d be toast.”

  Clay held me tight. I could feel his heart beating against mine. Then he kissed the top of my head. “Where would I get another Blondie like you. You’re irreplaceable, Sam.”

  “How true.” I was just loving this cuddling thing we had going on. It was so long since we had done this.

  ...Okay, maybe just a few days, but I was needy.

  Clay then leaned back a little to look into my eyes. He tilted my chin up to meet his lips that had killer-kiss written all over them. I wasn’t quite sure if I swooned or not, but probably did. My knees felt weak as he then tracked kisses over my eyes and down my neck, murmuring softly.

  “Eyes deep as liquid pools.”

  “Lips as soft as pillows.”

  “A neck like a swan...”

  “What?” I said, leaning away. “My neck is that long?”

  Clay threw his head back, laughing. “Leave it to you to parse every word I say. You’re too literal, Sam.”

  I huffed. “Well, I’m an author. I’m supposed to.”

  “Take note, my pretty little scribe. I’m sorry you had to experience this without me here. But it sounds like you and your crew have handled this perfectly so far. How’s that?”

  “Really?” I said, sifting his words for the punch line.

  But there was none forthcoming.

  Clay kissed me again.

  And I melted into him again.

  Then he put me at arm’s length. “We need a plan.”

  “That’s what I said all along,” said a familiar voice.

  We both turned to the doorway and stared at Martha.

  “I admit, we did try real hard not to listen, right ladies?”

  The rest of our crew filed into Alicia’s office, laughing.

  Mona asked, “Ever thought of a doing a reality show?”

  Chapter 27

  Mensa Meeting Of The Minds

  Definition of Mensa: an organization of people with high IQ’s of 130 and up. It includes members of all ages.

  We had our own little group going. We all had pretty sharp IQ’s and our ages varied quite a bit. So I guess this was the perfect time for another meeting of our minds.

  Every chair in Alicia’s office was occupied. Phones and iPads were out as well as my laptop, open and ready with my fingers hovering over the keyboard. Everyone gave their opinion on what had happened over the last couple of days as the others took note. It was pretty much just like I had portrayed to Clay. Then the subject of Tony came up.

  They knew they’d find out more if he thought we two were alone, so they scrambled up the office back stairs to the Master and snuck along the upper hallway, hidden to watch us from above. Tony didn’t have a clue as his eyes were glued to me. I knew they were there, but Tony didn’t.

  “So what do we do about Rhett’s sister?” asked Betty.

  “Who’s Rhett? Am I missing something?” Clay asked.

  Several minutes later he had the Gone-With-The-Wind explanation and just shook his head.

  “Sam, you and I should sit down and to talk to Scarlett.”

  “I agree. We all can’t be there for it. She tends to drink when nervous. And we’re about out of Southern Comfort.”

  “Obviously, she got a bogus email too,” said Martha.

  “And I fell for it hook, line, and sinker,” I said, annoyed with myself.

  “Just like I did mine,” said Mona. “What about Teddy?”

  “As Martha found out,” said Clay. “He was duped too.”

  “I don’t think we should let Scarlett or Teddy in on what is really going on just yet until we figure this out,” I said.

  “Which is what?” Martha asked.

  “A potential book theft, by who or which book we’re not so sure yet.”

  “Martha, why don’t you, Hazel and Betty stay here with Sam and keep going through the books,” Clay suggested.

  Martha nodded. “Good idea.”

  I turned to face Mona. “You keep Teddy medicated and Scarlett far from thirsty so you can keep tabs on them. Hopefully, they’ll stay in their rooms and away from the rest of the house and us.”

  She agreed. “I’ll check out Scarlett’s profile online too.”

  “I’ll travel to the sanatorium for some leads,” said Clay.

  I didn’t like that one bit. “You’re leaving again?”

  “Hey, it’s only for an afternoon. I’m taking Tony too.”

  He was right. We agreed earlier to go for the other fee.

  “We’ll hold off talking to Scarlett until you return.”

  Clay laughed. “What could possibly happen until then?”

  None of us females said anything for a full minute. We all stared at Clay like he was an alien. After all he’d heard?

  Maybe he didn’t qualify for this Menstrual meeting...

  Chapter 28

  Stacking Up Books & Possibilities

  Martha, Hazel, Betty, and I searched through the family room books and were now in the great room. I placed a cotton tablecloth on the long dining table there so when we sifted through the books, it was the perfect place to inspect each one carefully and big enough to handle the four of us simultaneously. We began grabbing a few books to inspect when we heard someone clear their throat behind us.

  We all turned. It was Lucas, wearing his usual smile and holding a bucket with cleaners, cloths, and paper towels.

  What was he doing inside the house and here now?

  “Good morning, ladies,” he said. “What are you doing?”

  I smiled back. “Funny, I was about to ask you that.”

  “I always make time to help clean the house too.”

  Was that true? Alicia wasn’t here to confirm that.

  Hazel dropped her hand from a book. “How nice.”

  Martha eyed his bucket. “You’re a real multitasker.”

  Betty got right to it. “You clean all the rooms?”

  “It’s less time the cleaning service needs to be here.”

  Suddenly the four of us were on the same wavelength.

  We had another possible suspect on our hands.

  Maybe Lucas wasn’t as innocent and harmless as he appeared. If he had access to this house then he was a potential suspect for us to watch closely. He might have previously overheard about that valuable book.

  Possible motive? Payback for having been let go before.

  After having stayed in his apartment over the garages myself with Clay previously, I knew that it was attached to the house via the back stairway. It had Internet access and a land-line phone. I was also quite familiar with being able to hear sounds coming from the main house from there.

  By him being attached by a back staircase, he also had total access via a no-lock door that led to the guest bedroom hallway on the second floor. I hadn’t considered Lucas’s complete and total access to the rest of the Worths’ house and all those books before.

  Had he tapped into the Worths’ phones and Internet? I was already lining up my next conversation with him.
For now, we had to get rid of him, like immediately, before he got nosy as to what we were really up to with these books.

  “Hey, Lucas, I’ve been meaning to ask for your help.”

  The others looked at me like I was out of my mind.

  “Sure, are you looking for something special in here?”

  “Just some favorite mystery authors, but that’s not why I need help. Can you check the right rear tire on the Jeep? The air’s low. It might be as simple as a leak from a nail.”

  Martha grabbed her cell from her pocket. “Oh, my! I must take this call. Excuse me.” She dashed from the room.

  “I didn’t hear her cell ring,” said Lucas, staring after her.

  “Oh,” said Hazel. “She always keeps it on vibrate.”

  Betty chimed in with, “She is so considerate that way.”

  We all knew she’d be letting air out of the Jeep’s tire.

  Chapter 29

  To Die For

  Several minutes later Lucas finally left us for the garage.

  “That was close. He could be a possible suspect,” I said.

  “We’ve learned that the hard way in the past on other cases, haven’t we?” said Betty, still staring at the doorway.

  “Too many times, I’m afraid,” said Hazel.

  “We must remember to think out of the box,” I warned.

  “...And off the cuff,” gasped Martha, rushing in.

  “Did he see you coming from the garage?” Betty asked.

  “No! I took the back steps two at a time when I saw him exit the great room after I let air out of the Jeep’s back tire. Then I snuck down the foyer stairs and back in here.”

  “I sure hope he’s not a part of this,” said Hazel.

  “Would be a shame, but we must be careful,” said Betty.

  Martha agreed. “With another potential male biting the dust, pickings would be slim. I loved that smile of his, but we can’t take that chance. It’s the quiet ones you’ve got to watch out for. He has motive: being let go and has access.”

  “Let’s get back to work,” I suggested.